Repost from Temasek Review
12 August 2011
With the Singapore police exonerating her from any wrong-doing on her police case, controversial PAP newbie MP Tin Pei Ling is now acting ‘yaya papaya’ and giving netizens a ‘lecture’ on ‘online etiquette’.
In a comment posted on her Facebook, Ms Tin (or Denise He?) reiterate the importance of ‘respect’ to netizens:
“Firstly, I would like to reiterate the importance of respect. Again, we can agree to disagree. If one disagrees with another person, it is alright to express it but please refrain from personal criticisms, derisive remarks and name calling. One may be free to express his/ her opinions, but others also have the right to be respected. This should apply to “both sides” (if there are sides to be taken).”
Ms Tin should be the LAST person on earth to talk about ‘respect’. On 6 May 2011 which is ‘Cooling off’ day, a snide comment about her opponent Nicole Seah was posted on her Facebook:
Though it was soon taken down, the post betrayed the writer’s innermost thoughts about Nicole Seah. If Ms Tin or her administrator did not show basic respect to her opponent, how can she demand netizens to respect her?
Till today, Ms Tin did not apologize to Nicole over the offensive remark belitting her. Even if it was Denise He who posted the comment, as the person in charge of her Facebook page, Ms Tin should accept responsibility and apologize on her behalf.
To add salt to the injury, not only was Ms Tin not punished for the offence, she was even appointed a member of the powerful Home Affairs and Law GPC by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.