
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is that MM Lee speaking?

Repost from Temasek Review 26 April 2011
Finally MM Lee has spoken .He has spoken on 3 points. However, are all his points relevant and correct? It is for the readers to decide:

1) That we should not rock the foundation
This is a wrong perception and assumption. Voting for alternative parties is not rocking the foundation. In fact we are just changing the builders, while maintaining the foundations. Kudos to the old guards. They have laid a good foundation. However, most of the old guards have passed on. The younger team is definitely not as good compared to the old guys(Is there another Goh Keng Swee? How about Hon Sui Sen?or Lim Kim San?) Having a lousier younger team, it is only natural for Singaporeans to seek alternative builders. Therefore, no one is rocking the foundation. In fact, it is precisely with such firm foundation that we notice that the current builders are given us shoddy work at high prices. As such, is it still worthwhile to engage the same builders for another 5-6yrs? It is a simple choice, better and more compassionate builders are around. They will also cost Singapore less. As such, to continue the nation building on the foundation, it is only timely for Singaporeans to vote in alternative parties.Parties that will work towards a Singaporean Singapore.

2) Our selection criteria has the proven track records
With regards to this, reference is made to the article:

It has predicted that he will mentioned that PAP has the best proven track records for their candidates, out of 5 which are minster potential. It is also predicted that he will speak up.He did. Well, here is the rebuttal:

There will be no reference to the poorly-demeanour candidate TPL and the loose- morale candidate FMH(nothing to do with both gender and age). Once again, he mentioned that the selection process has been proven in history of Singapore to be robust. This may sound like a good possible defense. There is , however, some plausible flaws. The selection process has not been flawless, there are cases of one term and corrupted MPs like the late Teh Ching Wan (Minster. Likewise, there are cases where Minster potential end up as MOS(eg the late MOS Balaji)If history or track record is anything to go by, then the history of the 2 candidates(TPL and FMH) is to be much desired. This argument cuts both ways.

3) CPF and Housing Assets
These are topics, which has been rebuttal many times over the internet. However, an accelerated appreciating housing assets where most citizen have only 1 flat is useless. Where will they stay after selling the flat. If the appreciating asset is just slightly above inflation, most Singaporeans would accept it, but the prices are now beyond the reach of many. CPF, while it has it uses, seemed to be getting further and further away fom withdrawal. The age group is being raised each time. Likewise the basic limit is increasing and the withdrawal amount is limited. The only attractive term for CPF is to be able to will it to someone, As time goes, would it just be a paper value? Were is be a piece of paper that says it is transferred from one generation to the other, but the amount can never be withdrawn fully. Is this a future of CPF?

It is true that Singaporeans have to vote wisely in the heat of the elections. PAP is also guilty of playing up this GE(look at the accusations from MBT, LHL and even GCT who says that he will be gentleman and comment on his GRConly.) If not, our children and randchildren will suffer, starting from the next 5-6 years. As such, it is time to allow alternative parties to represent us in parliament.

Vote for a Singaporean’s Singapore.

Reject PAP’s Singapore.

Anson Be

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