
Friday, December 28, 2012


Got 小白 from an auction in the Pasar Malam next to Pasir Ris MRT on Saturday and slot in a $10 bill into his mouth. On Sunday, the number on the $10 strike 1st price and none of us bought 4D for that number. I finally understood why my niece stole the $10 from 小白's mouth and unroll it. She wanted to confirm the number hahaha.

Not really into such thing but when I first saw him, I thought he was really pure and white so I told myself I have to get it. Each hand raised is $5 and I manage to bring him home at $65 :) I could have gotten it at a lower price if not for this chap who kept competing with me. Another piece of item I set my eyes on in a white jade bangle. Will try and see if I'm able to get it this weekend ;p

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Comfort taxi booking app

The locate taxi function on the Comfort taxi booking app isn't really helpful. I still don't know where the taxi is!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

The cough that won't go away

The irritating cough that won't go away is back again. It happened right after my 2 days of sore throat. Could be the virus that is spreading around the office. My cleaning lady said that she will make me a cup of peppermint tea tomorrow, hope it helps!

The cough is also contributing to my loss of voice. My voice now is super sexy. Imagine how I am able to conduct 3 interviews in KL over weekends and another 3 phone interviews and 1 face to face interview today with a voice that one could hardly recognize its mine. My recept is asking me to see a doc which I will today. I wasn't able to due to my busy workload. Now that I have completed my report, I have some time to visit the doc. Hopefully, by the time I get home, the clinic is still not closed yet. If not, it'll just have to be tmrw.

Alright, I think the Nandos I had in Sungei Wang on Sat aggravated the condition. Now I can't even talk...the moment I started talking, I start to cough. I think I'm gonna skip KL next month. Probably aim for Sarawak coz its kind of boring to be going to the same place over and over again. Never been to Sarawak so might be a good place to go. Then again, I'm not familiar with Sarawak so not sure if its a good choice. Don't want to waste my budget on something that doesn't yield returns coz any additional recruitment cost will be deducted from my commission.

Alright, the mandarin station announcement in the MRT is driving me nuts!! Better go and read my ebook.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Interesting phrase from a movie

This is a really interesting phrase I caught in one of the movies I watched some time ago. Don't remember which movie though...if you know, please PM me!


It is very true. Some people are so unbelievably petty that they pick on every little wrong thing about you. They think they are the gods. They've never made any mistakes in their lives. Well, to those people....welcome to earth! Unfortunately, mistakes do happen and their pettiness only make them look stupid. Those people certainly don't deserve your best! If you have not already done so, start cleaning your friend's list. You will realize how much junks you have collected over the years :) Spring cleaning time.....