
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1,200 Singaporeans renounce citizenship every year

Home Affairs Minister Teo Chee Hean said in Parliament on Tuesday that an average of 1,200 Singaporeans had renounced their citizenship every year from 2007 to 2011.

Of this average yearly figure, 300 are naturalised citizens.

Overall, however, the renunciation rates for both naturalised citizens and Singapore-born citizens were low during this period - about 0.1 per cent or less.

Mr Teo said that the reasons for emigration vary. 'Some emigrants leave for family reasons - because of marriage, or to reunite with family members overseas, while others do so for a different living environment,' he said.

Source here

Some of the 300 naturalised citizens probably got their hubby's CPF money and ready to fly off to be with their boyfriends while some are here to as a by-pass to another country.  Singapore-born citizens renounce their citizenship probably because since they already feel like a foreigner in their own country and the even start feeling like second class citizens, why stay and fight for a land that belongs to other nationalities.

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