
Thursday, January 12, 2012

The survivalist's guide to the corporate jungle

The survivalist's guide to the corporate jungle by Berocca.  Yup, you didn't read's by Berocca...the Think Sharp-Act Fast-Be Ready drink.

A solitary creature, the office vulture is seldom at its nest, but can often be spotted hovering near other cubicles.  Waiting to pick apart its prey at the slightest sign of weakness.

Corporate Avian Corpsious

Cubiclious Carnivorous

Cubicle dividers make ideal perches

Feeding frenzy
Vultures can rip apart your 10-month old project in less than 30 seconds.

Killer eyes
Extraordinary long-range vision can spot weak resolve from at least 10 cubicles away.

Dull wardrobe
With their dull plumage, you usually don't notice a vulture until it's too late.

A shrewd and expert player of office politics, the rat is highly adaptable and has evolved to survive in a wide range of corporate environments.  Renowned for its arsenal of dirty tricks, a rat wouldn't think twice about dragging your name through the sewer.

Rattus Officious

Rumours Vicious

Favorite activity
Ratting on you

Rat pack
Rats enjoy lurking around the water cooler or in the pantry.  A congregation is usually a sign that something bad is about to happen.

Sneaky senses
Enlarged nostrils easily sniff out nefarious opportunities.

Trash talk
The rumours spread by rats are highly contagious.

The opportunistic office fox hunts alone, and is well-known for being cunning and deceptive.  At first glance, the fox may seem harmless.  But make no mistake, it's always on the lookout, and will pounce on any opportunity to advance its career at your expense.

Corridorius Canidae

Insidious Andeceptious

Hunting ground
Behind your back

Heightened hearing
Extraordinarily large ears can pick up advantageous information from behind closed doors.

Slick and sly
Good personal grooming helps mask a fox's true intentions.

Ravenous appetite
Always hungry for new prey, no one is safe from the fox.

A silent predator, the snake is a highly secretive creature that rarely makes its intentions public.  This makes them one of the most dangerous animals in the office.  The ultimate saboteurs, the snake can slither its way into your confidence before ruthlessly suffocating your career.

Business Serpentes

Careerius Sabotagius

Gullible, new colleagues

Snake charmer
Forked tongue charms you before it harms you

Fangs of fear
Once the snake sets its venomous fangs into your project, career paralysis sets in quickly.

False appearances
By shedding its skin, a snake can change its appearance to take full advantage of any situation.

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