
Monday, April 30, 2012

Answers To 6 Questions Every Woman Asks a Man

Muahahahaha....I am so very guilty of all those questions!!

Source: Answers To 6 Questions Every Woman Asks a Man

There seems to be a compelling similarity among the kind of questions women usually ask men.
At first, I was ignorant towards this fact. Slowly, a pattern emerged during conversations with my friends that often touched upon topics related to our love lives or the lack it. Over a period, it became absolutely clear that there are some classic male traits or habitual things guys do that evoke a certain degree of curiosity among women. This article is an attempt to answer six of the most common questions that arise out of this typically feminine inquisitiveness:

1. Why you keep getting angry in traffic?
This question really doesn’t deserve an explanation. Just look at the number of fools on the road. Even a recent advertisement on TV gladly declares, “The streets are filled with idiots.” Further, don’t women realize that their kind constitutes one of the worst types of drivers? Yes, it is no secret that most women are absolutely horrible behind the wheel. I have personally encountered those who turned LEFT after giving using the RIGHT indicator on their cars. Well not to get too much into the gender-based discrimination of drivers, what else is there to do besides getting pissed-off with people constantly trying to overtake, you are confronted with repeated traffic snarls and even the cattle roams around totally oblivious to our frustration?
(Yuko: No comments to this coz besides Daytona, I have absolutely no freaking idea how to operate a vehicle...doesn't matter how many wheels)

2. Why aren't you Expressive/Vocal Enough?
I believe that apart from the overtly Metrosexual species that hinges on being gay, most men are like me, i.e. we might take some time to share a demanding situation or talk about what is occupying our mind. However, I still cannot fathom why is this such a big issue for women? Just because their hormones get them weepy and excessively animated, they shouldn’t infer that men are bound to behave the same way. It is about time women acknowledged their menstrually-fueled expressionism as a side-effect rather than being a pleasing personality trait. 
(Yuko: This is so weird.  When we don't ask, men complain that we are not interested in their lives or how much stuffs they went through at work.  When we ask, they don't want to talk and accuse us of saying that they are not expressive enough.  Men are so hard to please!) 

3. Why is your mind always diverted towards sex?
Here comes confession time and I hope all guys reading this would agree to my declaration—Men are God-tuned to be always disposed towards sex. It is something that we cannot help. Just like the advantage of multiple orgasms and childbirth was God-gifted to women, Men were blessed (or cursed) with a pre-occupation with everything sexual. In a way, it works to their disadvantage too and this is why men are ready to do the most outrageous things for their women. Yes, love too is a motivation but I am not sure it as compelling as the lure of getting lucky in the bedroom. The point is that we don’t have a logical reason for this, so just accept it and move on! 
(Yuko: Yes, all men have the word 'sex' in their minds.  God created them this way.  So wives, if you cannot fulfill your hubby in the bedroom, you cannot blame your hubby for outsourcing or starting to seek extra-curricular activities.  Of course, if you have some sort of medical condition, it's understandable BUT if you are just plain lazy...then get your butt off that couch and start doing something!)

4. What do you tell your friends about me?
This is the typical, new-girlfriend question that I really don’t know how to handle. If you tell your girlfriend that you have shared a lot about her, including the naughty bits, she is bound to fume. This is regarded as an invasion of her privacy. If you tell her that you are still waiting for the right moment to break news about your relationship status with her, it is intercepted as being ashamed of her. She is bound to accuse of you of not being sure about her. It is a like a paradox that will have you prosecuted irrespective of whatever path you choose. 
(Yuko: Ok, I learn this the hard way. The only way to handle this situation, ladies, is to do exactly what he does.  If he doesn't tell his friends about you, he probably doesn't want you to tell your friends about him.  - remember, they are not expressive so they won't tell you what they want or don't want - So what you should do is to react according to his actions.  When he tells his friends, you tell your friends.  When he brings you home, you bring him home.  When he brings you out for his social gatherings, you bring him out for yours.  When he puts your picture on his phone or computer wallpaper, you put his.  He is not ashamed of you...he is just not ready.  Some men may take a month to be sure, some may take a year...but of course, if your men takes 10 yrs, forget it...he will never be sure.  So you see....responding is not difficult at all!)

5. How come you never compliment me for my hair?
Unless, she has done something drastically different to her hair or at least gotten streaks or something clearly visible, are we even suppose to concentrate upon it? Just think about it—there is so much more to compliment her about, so why waste it upon something that usually tends to remain the same. Subjects like shine, bounce, absence of split-ends and overall growth pattern is limited to being mentioned in TV ads or being discussed among women. Women need to realize that we really don’t bother about their hair that much. The same goes for their eyebrows and the color of their nail-paint. So, please stop expecting compliments for such things. Once the expectations are removed, the disappointments will automatically evaporate and this works wonderfully well for our peace of mind too! 
(Yuko: Ladies, if you want a compliment, ask for it.  Men are not created to read fine prints!  If your men knows how to compliment you, you have struck gold.  DO NOT LET GO....I repeat! DO NOT LET GO!)

6. Why are you obsessed with cleavage?
Simply because it is right there, in front of our eyes, staring back at us, because it is beautiful, it has so many forms, it is obvious yet perplexing at times, it is so bloody beautifully created that even though we see it on most days, we want more of it…the list goes on, so for the sanctity of this article, it is best that I curtail my enthusiasm here. Basically, men believe that cleavage (and more importantly, its constituents) was created with the sole intention of pleasing and torturing them at the same time. So, we are just following Nature’s plan. 
(Yuko: Men are just jealous coz we've got it and they don't. nyahahahahahaha.....)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Chocolates are girls bestest friend

Thank you for the special delivery...I must have sounded hungry ^_^ but I'm not complaining.

Ok guys....if you don't know.  Let me enlighten you abit.  Girls and chocolates have this special relationship that you guys will never be able to understand.  Actually, I learn this from the recent wine tasting event when the dessert chef (who specializes in chocolate making) started sharing about chocolates.  After what she said, I went to read up more and realise that she is actually right!!  I repent from being skeptical over every single thing everyone say.  You know me lah...I have to see to believe.

So why chocolates?  Why not siew mai or ang ku kueh or durian or chicken in a biscuit? Reason is simple. Chocolates help to raise serotonin and gives us the endorphin rush, thus instantly makes us feel alive!  It contains a chemical called phenylethyamine, (PEA), which has been named the 'love drug'. PEA is naturally made in your body and is the same chemical released in your brain when falling in love. When we eat chocolate, PEA is released into our brain giving us that feeling of being in love. It's also the same feeling we feel after making love and PEA is responsible for releasing the chemical dopamine which is at its peak during orgasm. So it makes sense why some prefer eating chocolate over sex, women get a lot of the same feelings doing either, and eating chocolate takes a lot less effort after a long day!

So there you one loves us, we eat chocolate to make ourselves feel loved!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where to find happiness

Got this off someone's post on facebook....

So for those who keep saying you want this, you want that....just remove the 'you want' and you will get what you actually wanted! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

‘Wild Honey’ restaurant slammed for favoring foreigners over Singaporeans

I see Wild Honey had been "very busy" serving empty tables at!  Imaginary guests!  How cool is that....that's the power of imagination.  Maybe I should visit Wild Honey to see how bad the service is.
Source: ‘Wild Honey’ restaurant slammed for favoring foreigners over Singaporeans

The ‘Wild Honey’ western restaurant at Mandarin Gallery has been slammed by netizens for allegedly ‘favoring’ foreigners over Singaporeans.

One angry Singaporean Gary Tan posted on its Facebook asking why he was not given a corner table by the staff which subsequently was given to a foreigner who came after him:

[Source: Facebook]
Instead of addressing Gary’s concerns, Wild Honey’s director Guy Wachs rapped him for his complaint:
“We have an international staff including many Singaporeans and respect all people. We deeply regret your remark.”

When Gary continued to protest against the discrimination, his comments were deleted from its Facebook. According to Gary, he arrived at the restaurant at 9am in the morning and it was not packed at all.

The attitude of Guy Wachs peeved off many netizens who are now calling for a boycott of the restaurant.
Some responses on Hardwarezone forum:

“lets boycott them. they need us to survive. but we dont need them.” – strike

“wa, wanted to try at Wild Honey with my gf wan…after this i think i will not go liao.what kind of service is that…we also pay money wan leh.” – timberland

10 reasons to travel independently

Many people wonder why I love to travel alone....this timely article should give you an insight...

1. Independent travel is cheap
Travelfish regulars will be familiar with the Thailand on 250B a day thread over on the messageboard -- it's the tale of a guy who spent 22,500B travelling in Thailand for three months. With independent travel, you can keep your costs down without needing to nick water out of bank water machines. One of the big hidden costs of longer-term travel is the cost of getting around, but by travelling slow you keep this down. Your bottomline won't be blown out by tour group hotels, instead you'll be able to take advantage of the cheap flophouses across the region. There are also lots of ways to save money while you travel -- here are 10 examples.

2. Independent travel is flexible
A few too many Mekong buckets last night? Want to stay in bed? Stay in bed. Really enjoying your time lazing around on Ko Sukorn? Stay another week -- or another month... One of the great things about independent travel is that you're the boss. You make up the rules, you decide where and when you're going and so on. When you meet other travellers and you want to join them for a while -- you can -- and you can just as easily split again as your plans diverge.

3. Independent travel is a great way to meet other travellers
Southeast Asia is FULL of independent travellers and if you're travelling in the region you'll have a great deal of trouble avoiding them! Traveller hubs like Khao San Road, Vang Vieng, Pai, Ko Pha Ngan, Hoi An and Sihanoukville draw them in like flies to sticky rice and as long as you've got some modicum of social skills, you're likely to meet up with others. It can be a great experience hanging out with your peers from around the globe, and without wanting to sound like a great advocate of the Global Love In, it can break down a lot of prejudices and opinions you may have held before you met someone from ABC -- hell they might even be fun to travel with.

4. Independent travel is a great way to meet the locals
There is more to travel than getting drunk around a beach bonfire with a bunch of foreigners -- you'll find locals to be just as eager to socialise. When travelling on an organised jaunt, you're most likely going to be mainly dealing with the locals on a transactional basis -- be it in a cafe, at a hotel or on a minibus, you're going to be paying them money for stuff. As an independent traveller you'll also have this, but because of your flexible timeframe you'll have more opportunity to get to know locals and hang out with them to some degree. This can be fun -- yes you may even need to go to karaoke -- but it can also be an interesting learning experience in seeing what goes on in a local's life outside of the guesthouse foyer.

5. Independent travel is a great way to learn some lingo
Chatting away to a local in English is one thing, chatting away to them in their native language is a whole new adventure. The great thing about independent travel in a foreign country is that, if you wish, you can totally immerse yourself in the local language -- and with foreign language, the more you need to speak it, the more you will, and the more you speak it the quicker you'll learn.

6. Independent travel can be a learning experience
Assuming your travels involve something more than laying on the beach and snogging other travellers, in a fairly short time you'll learn a lot about the country you're travelling in. For travellers new to a country, it can be a shattering experience to find that wow, Thailand isn't all just beaches, elephants and exotic locals -- it's a developing nation facing a diverse range of political and social challenges. As you travel through, talking to locals and reading the newspapers, you'll slowly gather a better understanding of why things are how they are (you'll never gain a complete understanding -- even Thais are happy to admit they don't understand their own country ;-) .)

7. Independent travel can be challenging
Independent travel can be hard. It can be really physically demanding -- whoever said a vodka Redbull bucket a night for a month was going to be easy? Seriously, you'll have long nights on crappy buses driven by loons and in flophouse lodgings not fit for lab-bunnies. You'll walk under withering sun and through flooded back sois. You'll enjoy a thousand new taste sensations and be assured your stomach will not enjoy all of them. You'll meet people you don't like and you'll get so sick of wearing the same clothes you'll consider burning them. But you know what -- all this doesn't matter. Independent travel is worth it, because...

8. Independent travel can bolster, well, your independence
All the crappy bus rides, the deviants in guesthouses, the sulfuric sun and the bubbling bubonic curries are character building. Believe me when I say you'll encounter situations you would N E V E R encounter in your home country, and you'll need to figure out how to sort it out. Yes, you'll make some bad calls, but you'll also make some great ones and, as everyone's Mum says, you learn from your mistakes. Travel can break down barriers, it can help you better understand the world, and it can help you develop empathy for the people you have to share it with -- now that's gotta be a good thing right?

9. Independent travel can be fun to plan
Picked an adventure tour to Southeast Asia? Your planning is done. Independent travel on the other hand can be a bag of laughs to plan -- especially if you're underemployed at an office with a good high-speed internet connection and a screen nobody can see. Go surf the web, check out Travelfish (oh, you found us already), buy some guidebooks or better still go get some good travelling books. Watch some movies set in the region or sample some pho at your local Vietnamese joint.

10. Independent travel doesn't need to be planned at all
As I said earlier, you're the boss and independent travel doesn't need to be planned at all. Get yourself a plane ticket and some insurance and get yourself to Asia. Throw yourself into the swirling mix and you'll come out a better person down the road -- you may like it so much you'll end up living here.

Source: 10 reasons to travel independently

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Check out this great MSN video: I Want to Live Episode 1

Check out this great MSN video: I Want to Live Episode 1

No JB trip this weekend

Chris sent me a message yesterday asking me if I'm free this Sat at 11am.  Told her I got my weekly JB pump petrol cum Giant trip.  I knew what she wanted but I chose to keep quiet.  When he told me that the trip is cancelled, I thought the first person who should know this would be Chris but I was only manage to text her today.  She was thrilled.  She needed someone to help her with some work.  And so, come Saturday morning...I'll be stuck in office with her! hahahaha.  That would also mean, cannot sleep late on Friday night..darn!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Interesting Air Asia inflight announcement

If you are like me who pay no attention to inflight announcements especially the part about safety, this will most probably make you sit up and listen.

My favorite parts:
1)  ...whenever the seatbelt sign is on, you must return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt.  If you cannot find your seatbelt, maybe you are sitting on your seatbelt.

2) Should an oxygen mask like this drop from the compartment above you, don't panic.  Immediately pull the mask firmly towards you.  Place the mask over your nose and mouth with the headband tightly around your head and breathe normally (*breath* *breath* *breath*).  Place your own mask first before assisting others under your care especially children or any adult who may act like a child. 

3)  During evacuation, leave your ipad, leave your iphone, leave your blackberry....

4)  As this is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke throughout the flight.  Smoking in the toilet will activate the smoke alarm.  If you wish to smoke, please go outside the aircraft

Friday, April 13, 2012


Just because he always teased me whenever there is an opportunity, I decided to have some my own way (ok, I was bored).  Decided to send him an iphone stylus so that he can draw better pictures while playing "Draw Something" with me.  I even attach the following email to the parcel.

And so...that little stylus was wrapped up in layers into the size of 3 magazines stacked up. To add more fun to the excitement, I sent it via registered post to his office while not leaving a return address.  While I did but not the proper one, I left my Singpost number :)
Got a good lecture from him when he got the gift.  He said that the parcel was sent to his boss' office and they opened it together thinking it was a bomb :p But when it came to the layer where I used my ex-company's letterhead to wrap, he immediately knew the prank came from me.  He said that it was more tedious to open the parcel than to wrap.  Of course!  Imagine how much sticky tape I had used!

So...the next time he tries to matchmake me with anyone else again....the prank will not be just a stylus :)  But because he is my photography mentor and also the one who taught me the art of drinking wine (I still can't taste the difference between all those wine), I will still give some face.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Are you talking about my rock???

Seriously...I hope he is not talking about the rock I'm currently staying in.  If he is, then I suppose this ungrateful piece of **** should return to Hawaii.  There are many more who wishes to be stuck on this rock.  Should I unfriend him on FB now?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

This should be a good place to rest and do nothing

Found this really nice resort in Malaysia.  The entrance alone attracted me.  This is probably only good for a 2D1N trip.  Any longer, you will be bored to tears because....well, this is it!  There's nothing else except a Japanese garden, animal park, bowling, archery (yes, archery...something I had always wanted to do besides rifle shooting), botanic garden, spa and coffee houses.  A good place to finish the book you have always been wanting to read but had no time to do so.  Imagine sitting at the coffee house, sipping your afternoon tea and reading that book which had been collecting dust at home.  Lovely, isn't it?  Can be quite chilly in the night though....and oh, misty in the early mornings too.
Here...the interior.  Quiet little resort up in the hills.
If you are sick and tired of the hustle and bustle of it's neighours (KL and Genting), you can consider this place for some quiet retreat.  Can guess the name of the place already???

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Book sale

Went to the Book Sale at Expo right after Easter service.  Grabbed 4 books while battling through the loud noise coming from Megatex next door.  Think they were selling LCD TV and camera or something like that (saw from the poster at the entrance) at super low all the blaring was probably to advertised them.

Nonetheless, I managed to grab whatever Gary Chapman books they have.  Bear in mind that you need to read his "The 5 Love Languages" book in order to better understand these 2 books.  Some of the terms used were taken from that book.

The next 2 books are quite interesting too.  Had a little bit of time to briefly go through the "What God does when men lead" book and I'm glad I bought it!  It had always been man's destiny to lead.  This book is basically written for men but there's no harm having a women read it because then we can better help the men we are in contact with.  Many men don't believe that they have what it takes to lead.  This book will show you how.

The other book is also quite interesting.  Rather than sulking, taking revenge, getting mad...etc, there are other ways to handle mistreatment. Therefore, being mistreated is not a cause for anger or self-defense even though it goes against human's every natural impulse to watch your abusers get off scott-free.

I'll see if I got the time to do chapter summaries for those books here.  If not, then get the book yourself.  At least you will be able to write and underline on the pages.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Great catch up with an old friend

Had a super belated birthday lunch with an old friend.  Reason for the belated lunch is because when she is free, I'm busy...when I'm free, she's somewhere around the globe.  The good thing is that I just found out she lives within walking distance from where I stay.  So there will be more catch ups until perhaps July when she goes back to States (yah, I know she is kiwi...but she grew up in States) prior to her move to errr.....was it Israel?

Anyway, these are the food we had....looks tiny but they are really filling!!  Brought her to Keystone because well...I was lazy.  Keystone is the only restaurant where I can put down the menu and say to the waitress "I'll let the chef decide".  See!  I don't even need to think of what to eat!

These are what we had:
  • Rosemary and Parmesan garlic charcoal bread
  • Georges bank sea scallop - Hummus Purée | Dehyrdated Cherry Tomato | Smoked Kurobuta Soil
  • 43° Salmon gravlax - Tat Soi | Smoked Cream | Arctic Char Caviar | Tarragon Pommery (+$5)
  • Autumn celeriac velouté - Mascarpone | Cipollini Onion Beignet | Lobster Concentrate 
  • Kurobuta steak frites - Dehyrdated Yukon & Cheese | Heirloom Vegetables | Mission Fig Ketchup 
  • Norwegian flat white - Chanterelle Fricassée | Smoked Berskshire Belly | Smoked Sea Urchin Foam (+$6)
  • "Our" sticky date - Butterscotch Fondue | Charcoal Tuile | Tonka Bean Parfait
  • Composition of fruits - Coconut Palm Sorbet | Sudachi Lime Curd | Peppered Tropics 
  • I had English breakfast tea and she had coffee (+$14)
Set lunch is at $38++.  Our total damage is $111.10.  Nice number to buy 4D! lol.  The sea scallop thingie wasn't on the lunch menu or was it part of the set lunch. I don't know how we got it...we just got it somehow.  As long as we didn't get charged for it, I wouldn't complain too much :)  Oh wait!  It's on the dinner menu!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Unsung heros of Singapore

They are the ones who helped build the place you now live in.  For those of you who have been discriminating them, aren't you ashame of yourself?  It's time we have a little sense of gratitude towards them.  They took the jobs that we, Singaporeans, didn't want to take.  They work from 8am to 7pm, 7 days a week for a mere $18 per day...

Mum and daughter talk

Just a few days ago, mum asked: "为什么你的爱情路走得这么辛苦?" do I answer that...Since I don't know the answer, I just shrugged my shoulders and walk off -_-"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Only Love - Trademark

2 am and the rain is falling
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You're telling me you're so confused
You can't make up your mind
Is this meant to be
You're asking me

But only love can say
Try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day

So I just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do

In your arms as the dawn is breaking
Face to face and a thousand miles apart
I've tried my best to make you see
There's hope beyond the pain
If we give enough
If we learn to trust

But only love can say
Try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do

I know if I could find the words
To touch you deep inside
You'll give my dreams just one more chance
To let this be our last goodbye

But only love can say
Try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day

So I just play my part
Pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do

That's something only love can do